How to calculate confidence intervals in SQL

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Statistical overconfidence: Dangerous and easy Imagine you have a small online business. This month 200 users signed up on your website, and 10 of them bought your $800 service. Great! You’ve made $8k of income. How much should you expect…
Statistical overconfidence: Dangerous and easy
Imagine you have a small online business. This month 200 users signed up on your website, and 10 of them bought your $800 service. Great! You’ve made $8k of income. How much should you expect to make this year?
The straightforward answer is $8k * 12 = $96k. But how confident should you be? Will your conversion rate always be so close to 5%? You could pad the estimate ±20% for safety, guessing at $77k to $115k. If $77k would cover all your expenses, should you feel secure?
This is a question of binomial probability. Using our favorite binomial confidence interval calculator, the 95% confidence interval for your conversion rate is about 2.5% to 9%.
With a confidence interval that wide, you should expect to make somewhere between $48k and $172k. Yikes! You could end up with half of your simple guess, and that’s if your business doesn’t change.
Automating statistics: Calculating confidence intervals in SQL
These confidence intervals are very informative, but turning to a calculator for every metric is tedious. If you’ve got hundreds of metrics across dozens of dashboards, it’s downright unsustainable.
Fortunately, the math for calculating confidence interval is simple to implement:
The normal approximation interval formula for binomial confidence intervals
n = number of users
x = number of conversions
p = probability of conversion = (x / n)
se = standard error of p = sqrt((p * (1 - p)) / n)
confidence interval = p ± (1.96 * se)
See Normal approximation interval on wikipedia. Note the 1.96 constant specifies a 95% interval on a two-tailed normal distribution.
Implementing the formula in SQL
Let’s start with a table of the total number of users, and how many converted. Any data that represents a rate — conversions per user, server errors per request, etc. — will also work.
count(1) as n,
sum(case when converted then 1 else 0 end) as x
from users
group by date_trunc('month', created_at);

With our basic data in hand, we want to implement the above formula in SQL. To keep things clear, we wrap each step of the calculation separately:
- Calculate the conversation rate, p.
- Using p, calculate the standard error, se.
- Compute the low and high confidence intervals.
- Include the original p conversion rate as our mid estimate.
rates.n as users,
rates.x as conversions,
p - se * 1.96 as low,
intervals.p as mid,
p + se * 1.96 as high
from (
sqrt(p * (1 - p) / n) as se -- calculate se
from (
select conversions.*,
x / n::float as p -- calculate p
from (
-- Our conversion rate table from above
count(1) as n,
sum(case when converted then 1 else 0 end) as x
from users
group by date_trunc('month', created_at);
) conversions
) rates
) intervals

You might be wondering why we’re seeing 8% on the high end, rather than the 9% mentioned in the introduction. We used the Adjusted Wald method in the introduction, which produces more accurate estimates for small amounts of data.
A refinement for little data: The Adjusted Wald method
The math explained above, though quite accurate with hundreds of users and a healthy conversion rate, becomes increasingly biased with less data or extremely high or low rates. A rule of thumb is to avoid using it with fewer than 5 conversions or 100 users.
One way to adjust for these shortcomings is to use a more robust binomial proportion confidence interval technique like the Adjusted Wald method. In short, it adds a bit of fuzziness to the estimated probability to smooth out the extremely high or low rates which are more common with few data points.
Given the z-score needed to reach a certain confidence level (1.96 for a 95% confidence), add 0.5 * z^2 to the number of conversions, and z^2 to the number of users. This is roughly +2 and +4 for the 1.96 z-score for 95%.
rates.n as users,
rates.x as conversions,
p - se * 1.96 as low,
intervals.p as mid,
p + se * 1.96 as high
from (
sqrt(p * (1 - p) / n) as se -- calculate se
from (
(x + 1.92) / (n + 3.84)::float as p -- calculate p
from (
-- Our conversion rate table from above
count(1) as n,
sum(case when converted then 1 else 0 end) as x
from users
group by date_trunc('month', created_at);
) conversions
) rates
) intervals
The important adjustment is here, where we add the constants to the numerator and denominator when calculating p:
(x + 1.92) / (n + 3.84)::float as p -- calculate p

This isn’t a magical solution to not enough data: If you have an expected 1% conversion rate and only 100 users, this adjustment will triple the estimated conversion rate, giving you a confidence interval of 0-6%. More data is the answer. At 10 conversions and 1,000 users, the interval shrinks to 0.5% to 1.9%.
In general, the more data you have, the more statistical approaches like these will be helpful to you.
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