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Advanced Indicator

By QBeeQ

  • Visualization
  • Widgets
OS Support
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Last Updated August 3, 2023
additional info
trend icon

An indicator widget with multiple secondary values, conditional  trend icon and a sparkline

The QBeeQ Advanced Indicator plugin allows a designer to create a powerful indicator widget with additional information in a small widget area. In addition to the extra values, it also includes a sparkline chart which displays a tooltip.

Advanced Indicator includes:

  1. Primary value – Mandatory
  2. Secondary value – Mandatory
  3. Tertiary trend value – Optional
  4. Trend icon defined by the tertiary value – Optional
  5. Sparkline – Mandatory

Additional features:

  1. Select an item or range from the sparkline series to filter the dashboard
  2. Jump to Dashboard (JTD) icon from the primary value area
  3. Jump to Dashboard from the sparkline
  4. Define the sparkline colour according to any of the values, or independently
  5. Dynamic trend icon
  6. Sparkline axis labels
  7. Full control over design
  8. Absolute zero-code required

Design Panel

This is perfect for when you’re looking to use a simple widget, but still want to display more information to tell a broader story of the data. This is also great for showing additional information when embedding a single widget so you can optimize your analytics application’s use of real estate.

This powerful plugin can be acquired as part of the QBeeQ Interactive Design PowerUp which includes:

  • Advanced Dashboard Filters
  • Dashboard Navigator
  • Date Range Slider
  • Dashboard URL link
  • Filter Bookmarks
  • Input Parameters
  • Advanced Tooltip
  • Advanced Widgets Tabber

Or as part of the QBeeQ Advanced Data Viz PowerUp.

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