Q&A - Sisense and the GDPR

GDPR - Overview
What is GDPR?
Who does the GDPR apply to?
What is considered personal data?
Is Sisense a data processor or a data controller under the GDPR?
Data Transfers under GDPR
Does GDPR allow data transfers of personal data of European individuals from the EU?
Does Sisense comply with the new EEA data protection laws that came into effect in 2021?
How does Sisense ensure that personal data of European individuals remain protected outside of Europe?
How can Sisense support you with your Transfer Impact Assessment (TIA) in relation to Sisense’s products and services?
The ‘Brexit’ and the UK GDPR
Does Sisense also protect personal data of individuals in the UK after the Brexit?
Last but not least
How do I contact Sisense for privacy queries?